He arrived at the Miló from Bali at five in the afternoon, with five hours jet lag and a swarm of bees buzzing in his head. At the airport, he had waited at baggage reclaim for three quarters of an hour before discovering that they had lost his bags. All he had was the photographic equipment he’d carried as hand luggage, but he was too tired make a fuss and anyway, he would be able to replace it all in Lacerna.
[to be continued...]
Arrivava al Miló da Bali alle cinque del pomeriggio, con sette fusi orari sulle spalle e uno sciame d’api che gli ronzavano in testa. All’aeroporto era rimasto tre quarti d’ora davanti al rullo trasportatore, poi aveva scoperto che avevano smarrito i suoi bagagli. Gli rimaneva solo l’attrezzatura fotografica imbarcata come bagaglio a mano, ma era troppo stanco per prendersela e, in definitiva, avrebbe potuto ricomprare tutto a Lacerna.